APRL GitLab Pages

Table of Contents


Chemoinformatic analysis of functional groups

Functional group composition for property prediction or mode/measurement intercomparisons can be harvested from molecularly-speciated measurements or model simulations.

Spectroscopy analysis - chemometrics and machine learning

R packages for interpretation of complex infrared spectra (measured by FT-IR) associated with atmospheric aerosols.

A vignette is available (under preparation).

Teaching - computational exercises

  • ENV-320: [Bachelor course] Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry (solutions can be found in its private repository)
  • ENV-400: [Master course] Air Pollution and Climate Change

Other software

Analysis tools

These programs harvest output from other numerical tools used by the atmospheric research community. Their use is illustrated by Takahama et al., Atmos. Chem. Phys., doi:10.5194/acp-11-6367-2011, 2011, among other publications.

Input/output (I/O) tools

Functions for reading/exporting data.

  • APRLrio: I/O library for common data formats (ICARTT, E-AIM HTML, TSI software) in R.
  • APRLmio: I/O functions in MATLAB for several instruments that measure aerosol number concentrations and size distributions.
  • semdsdat2itx: script for converting output of Brechtel SEMS .dat files to .itx files that can be imported into IGOR Pro.

Language tools

Tools to facilitate programming in various languages.

  • libIgorPro: wrappers for shell scripting and namespace implementation with data folders for Igor Pro (Wavemetrics).
  • Rfunctools: facilitates functional programming in R.
  • aprl-emacs: configurations for using R, python, GNU Octave, FORTRAN, LaTeX, etc. in GNU Emacs.

Internal resources

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